Projects Bundy Canyon Road Widening Project
The Bundy Canyon Road Widening Project will widen, realign and improve Bundy Canyon Road for approximately 2.25 miles between the I-15 and The Farm Road. Specifically, the road will be widened from two lanes to four lanes with one additional lane being added in each direction.
In addition, the project will include the construction of a center-striped median, a sound wall to protect 28 residential properties, left-turn lanes at major intersections, signage and the introduction of signalized intersections in certain areas of the project alignment. To ensure the successful completion of this project, Interwest’s team of Right of Way professionals is providing Title, Appraisal, Acquisition and Relocation Assistance services for 61 parcels.
The assignment includes full acquisitions, partial acquisitions, residential relocations and temporary construction easements, and slope easements. The project is locally funded with Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) and Bundy Canyon Road/Scott Road Benefit District funds.