Projects Tenant Relocation Program
This program was created due to a record number of rental housing units being removed from the market due to demolitions, condominium conversions, removals pursuant to the Ellis Act, removal of units for owner occupancy and governmental agency orders.
Our team is working with HCIDLA, providing relocation advisory assistance to tenants subject to no-fault evictions. Responsibilities include: determining each household’s eligibility for relocation assistance payment; interviewing displacees; gathering information in order to finalize payment determinations; and preparing all required documents.
Our project manager oversaw all interactions with tenants, landlords, management companies, attorneys and investigators for HCIDLA relocation projects. They also ensured that monthly tracking reports contained clear and updated information regarding the entitlement and/or status of each tenant. Additionally, they led the development of a case management database to maintain landlord and tenant information and managed the process in accordance with HCIDLA program requirements.